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How much water and fertilizer for Kinaeiner 'Stricta'?

Could you please tell me when and how much should I water Kinaeiner 'Stricta and do I have to use a fertiliser? I have just bought it from you a week ago and I replanted it in a bigger pot, it is around 40 cm tall.
Thank you!
Kind regards,


  • Hi Katerina!

    There isn't one right answer when it comes to watering, as it will depend a whole lot on things like temperature, light, the size of the pot, the size of the plant, the soil you use etc.

    'Stricta' doesn't like being in very wet soil, so make sure it dries up a little between each watering. In a pot that is at least twice the size of the original pot I would guess that it might need water 1-2 times a week when it's warm and sunny, and maybe a little more often if it's really hot and dry outside. Water it so that the entire pot is filled, you will probably see the water pour out of the drainage holes, and then wait a while and see how quickly it dries up. If it's still wet when you put a finger in the soil you should wait a while longer.

    'Stricta' is not a plant that needs a lot of fertilizer. For this year there is probably enough in the soil it got when you repotted. Next year you can give one round of regular garden fertilizer, like our Hagegjødsel, in the early summer around april or may. :-)
    Silje Gartner
  • Hi,
    Thank you for thedetailed information.
    The pot I have repotted the plant in is 40/40 cm diameter and width, so I assume I should water it then more often than 1 to 2 times per week, of course, depending on the whether as you have recommended? Also, the plant is our balcony which is glazed with some small corner openings for ventilation and there is no drainage holes on the bottom of the pot, is that ok ?
    Thank you in advance for your answer!
    Kind regards,

  • That is not a very large pot, so it's possible you'll need to water it a little more often, but not necessarily. Hot weather and wind are two things that will increase the need for water.

    Well, I don't recommend using pots without drainage holes, especially outdoors. Outdoors you can't control the rain, unless it's under a roof, and overwatering can happen quickly. If you intend to have it outdoors over the winter the chances of the pot cracking are also higher, as any leftover water in the soil will have nowhere to go, and expand when it freezes. I really do recommend using a pot with drainage holes, and instead use a saucer to protect the floor, for example. :-)
    Silje Gartner
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